[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]NETpositive™ is a simple idea that we originally developed back in 2008.
For too long sustainability strategies and commitments have been focused primarily on environmental issues and predominantly on the reduction of negative impacts. A NETpositive commitment simply recognises that, as well as reducing negative environmental impacts, we should also pay more attention to enhancing the positive impacts of our individual and collective activity; environmentally, socially and economically. The aim is to achieve an overall position that is NETpositive.
What is the impact of this approach?
Our experience of utilising a NETpositive approach has shown us that this subtle but important shift in the philosophical approach to sustainability does the following:
- Unlocks senior level commitment to sustainability and social value (because they see it more clearly as a business benefit)
- Supports engagement with sustainability and social value because we can focus on the positive contribution people make and not just the negative impacts they have whilst doing their job
- Allows you to focus more on the measurement of the social and economic value you deliver rather than environmental impact reduction
- Supports more clearly the alignment of sustainability and social value.
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