Higher Education - Supplier Engagement Tool

Completing an action plan should be a simple and relatively quick process:

  • Your suppliers register to use the Tool (this is free). They enter some simple information about their company, where they are based and the type of goods or services they provide. Alongside customised questions related to their business priorities.
  • The system generates a simple NETpositive analysis, which identifies the potential positive and negative environmental, social and economic impacts of your supplier. Once they have selected the impacts, they move on to generating an action plan.
  • The action plan reflects the impacts the supplier has identified. The action plan is customised by the supplier. You receive access to all your supplier data for reporting purposes.

Benefits of this approach for your suppliers

How this helps you to manage sustainability within your supply chain

This infographic describes the project with HE and shows a brief example of some of the reporting potential from the tool. Individual institutions also report on specific issues important to them. We create cost-effective bespoke systems and help you to engage with your supply chain and report on your social value contribution.

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